"As Eye See It" --- Back to School

Written by Dr. Brandon Nelms on .

It's that time of the year again.  Time to put away the swimsuits and dust off the school uniforms.  It's back to school!  This time of the year has become known for collecting all the tools that our students may need for the upcoming semester.  We purchase books, pencils, clothing and even computers.  But admist all the hustle and bustle, let's not neglect one of our most important  learning tools -- the eyes.

For most people, vision is our primary source of gathering information.  This especially holds true in the classroom.  Vision in the classroom is more than just seeing clearly.  Students need optimal eye focusing and eye teaming skills in order to perform optimally.  This quote by The Vision Council says it all,

"It may be common sense that poor vision interferes with a child's ability to learn. But what is lesser known is that vision problems are the fourth most prevalent class of disability in the United States and one of the most prevalent conditions in childhood. This is an extremely important statistic considering that 80 percent of what children learn comes through their visual processing of information and that many children – nearly two in three according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – enter school without ever having had a vision screening."

Like most parents, I want to equip my children with every tool for success.  Vision is a tool that needs to be properly and regularly cared for.  So, as the school buses begin to run, don't forget learning begins with the eyes.